Discussing The Pet-Themed Holiday That Raises Awareness About Shelter Animals And The Struggles They Face
Shelter animals around the world have the odds stacked against them when it comes to being adopted. This is because there are far more animals that need adoption compared to the amount of people willing to adopt them. However, there are plenty of efforts made to shine a spotlight on these shelter animals and the struggles they face. More specifically, the holiday known as Remember Me Thursday. This article will take an in-depth look into the awareness-based holiday called Remember Me Thursday and offer some ways you can observe and get involved.
The Founding Of Remember Me Thursday
Remember Me Thursday occurs every year on the last Thursday of September. This year (2023) it will take place on September 28th. This pet themed awareness based holiday was created by the Helen Woodward Animal Center of San Diego in 2013. The Helen Woodward Animal Center of San Diego is an organization where “people help animals and animals help people.” They are a non profit organization that provides educational and therapeutic programs for people. They also provide human care and adoption for homeless animals.

Shelter cat
The Meaning Behind The Holiday
The focus of Remember Me Thursday is to raise awareness about the importance of pet adoption and all of the shelter animals that are in need of a good home. According to the A.S.P.C.A. (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), 6.3 million animals enter animal shelters across the U.S. every year. Out of those 6.3 million, 920,000 of them are euthanized every year. These are very sad and scary statistics that really put into perspective the crisis of shelter animals.
Remember Me Thursday aims to change these statistics. This holiday has made a huge impact in the world since its founding in 2013. More than 700 different animal welfare organizations across over 190 countries have supported Remember Me Thursday as of 2019. Additionally, more than 330 million people have helped spread awareness about Remember Me Thursday across various social media platforms. What started as a pet-themed holiday has now become a worldwide movement to inspire change.

Animal shelter volunteers
How You Can Get Involved
The best way to observe this wonderful holiday is to adopt a pet from your local animal shelter. By choosing to adopt, you are giving a shelter animal a second chance at life. If adoption isn’t a viable option, then consider donating to your local animal shelter instead. Any and all donations are always welcomed at animal shelters as they help pay for various supplies such as food, medical supplies, blankets, staff, etc.
Additionally, you can also observe Remember Me Thursday by volunteering at your local animal shelter. Most animal shelters operate with volunteers and could always use more of them. Volunteering at an animal shelter will give you the opportunity to work with and care for shelter animals first hand. Providing these animals with the love and care they deserve is a truly amazing experience that is both educational and enlightening.
Spread The Word!
People can’t celebrate Remember Me Thursday unless they know about it! Be sure to post about this fantastic awareness based pet-themed holiday on social media! Every post on social media can help educate people about shelter animals and the struggles they face regarding adoption. Additionally, be sure to share this article with your friends, family, and fellow pet lovers.

Professional dog walker
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