Discussing How To Keep Your Pets Safe From Poisonous Household Products In Honor Of Animal Poison Prevention Week
The third week of March is a very important time of the year for pet owners everywhere. That’s because the third week of March (3/17/24 to 3/23/24) is celebrated as Animal Poison Prevention Week. This week-long holiday is dedicated to shining a spotlight on all of the common household products and plants that are poisonous to pets.
This article will go over some of the most common household items that are poisonous to pets, how to protect your pets from these poisonous items, and how to celebrate this wonderful awareness-based holiday.
Common Household Products That Are Poisonous
Here are just a few examples of common household products that are poisonous to dogs and cats. Most of these examples were provided by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) and our own personal experiences.

Edible Products
Alcohol, avocado, chocolate, caffeine products, garlic, grapes, raisins, most nuts, marijuana, pharmaceuticals or medications (for people), onions, tobacco products, yeast products (like bread dough), and xylitol (found in things like gum, candy, sweeteners, mouthwash, and toothpaste).
Non-Edible Products
Antifreeze/coolant, fabric softener, ice melt, pesticides, insecticides, fertilizer, mothballs, paint, solvents, rat & mouse bait, household cleaners (bleach, window cleaner, furniture polish, toilet bowl cleaner, etc.), and swimming pool chemicals.

House plants
Common Household Plants That Are Poisonous
While indoor plants are a beautiful thing to have around the house, certain ones can be toxic to pets. Some of the more popular household plants that are toxic to pets include Aloe Vera, Amaryllis, Chrysanthemum, Cyclamen, Daphne, Dogbane, English Ivy, Foxglove, Golden Pothos, Hibiscus, Hyacinth, Hydrangea, Lily, Mountain laurel, Oleander, Philodendron, Poinsettia, Rhododendron, Sago Palm, Stinging Nettle, and Yew Bush.
Amount Of Exposure
When looking over the aforementioned list of poisonous products, it’s important to remember that some of them are worse than others. For example, garlic is toxic to dogs & cats, but they must eat 15 to 30 grams of garlic per kilogram of body weight. This means your pet would need to eat a significant amount of garlic before actually being poisoned according to the American Kennel Club.
On the contrary, a single tablespoon of antifreeze can cause kidney failure in a dog. For cats, even just one teaspoon of antifreeze can be fatal. So, take into consideration each product on an individual basis regarding their toxic potency. For a more comprehensive list of poisonous pet products, click here.

Childproof cabinet locks
Taking Preventative Measures
The best way to keep your pets safe from these poisonous products is to keep them out of your pet’s reach. For example, put any foods that are toxic to pets away in cupboards or cabinets. Additionally, you can also invest in child-proof cabinet locks to make sure your pets can’t open them.
Also, we recommend keeping any chemicals or cleaning products on high up shelves, locked behind cabinets, or in an area where your pets can’t easily go (like a garage or tool shed). For plants, we recommend keeping them on high shelves or in hanging baskets where your pets can’t access them.
Lastly, it’s important to be prepared for emergency poison situations. Keep the Pet Poison Helpline number in your phone’s contacts in case you need it. The Pet Poison Helpline number is 855-764-7661. While there is an $85 consultation fee, they are open 24/7 and have experts standing by to help you and your pets.
How You Can Observe The Holiday
The best way to observe Animal Poison Prevention Week is to set your pets up for success with preventative measures. By taking the aforementioned preventative measures, you can “pet-proof” your home and make sure your pet stays safe from accidental poisoning. For a more comprehensive guide to “pet-proofing” your home, click here

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