Our Featured Dog Of The Month!
We are very happy to announce our featured Blue Chip Farm Animal Refuge Dog Of The Month! This month we are featuring a very sweet and gentle dog named Millie.
Meet Millie! A 6 year old Coonhound, Mastiff, and Boxer mix. Millie has been at the shelter for the past 3 years and is currently looking for a new forever home. She has dark tan fur with a black nose/snout and a very pretty smile. She was originally brought in by an elderly couple who could no longer care for her. At that time, she was obese and extremely fearful of any new situation. Millie rarely left the house and became dissocialized as a result. Today, Millie is much leaner and has become considerably more sociable once she gets to know you.
Although Millie has made considerable progress at Blue Chip Animal Refuge over the past 3 years, she is still fearful of new people and new situations. Millie would require several meet & greets to get to warm up to her new owners. But, she would be very affectionate and loyal once she gets to know you. Millie loves to go for long walks, run in the yard, and is eager to please. She is very food motivated and is quite trainable as a result. Millie also does well when it comes to car travel.
Should you decide to adopt Millie, we strongly recommend that she be the only dog in the household. We also recommend not exposing Millie to children due to her possessive nature. Millie has a behavioral issue known as resource guarding (a behavior where a dog attempts to assert their ownership over something). For more information regarding resource guarding, go to The Humane Society website. We also recommend not giving her toys or letting her on the furniture. A fenced in yard is also highly recommended.
More About Millie
I have been working with Millie for almost a year now and she has made a tremendous amount of progress since. She is much healthier both physically and mentally to the point where we believe she is ready for a new home. Millie thrives off structure, routine, and love and we are looking for someone that can provide her with all of these things.
The Sponsors
Millie’s adoption fees are being fully covered this month by Mike and Louise Breakstone (parents of Laura Breakstone, owner of ParaMount Pet Care). The love for dogs is a Breakstone family tradition that has been passed on for generations and has now been extended to Millie and her new potential owner. Not only are the adoption fees being covered by the Breakstone’s, but John Clawson from Clawson’s K9’s with class, a locally owned dog training business in Harding, PA is also including 5 free training sessions. Talk about a great deal!
Training Tip
It is often a bad idea to take something directly out of a dog’s mouth that you may not want it to have. (Remember, most reported dog bites are people bitten by their own dog). Instead, it is best to offer a “trade”. Offer a high value treat, such a piece of meat or cheese, throw it on the floor and grab up the item that was in the dog’s mouth when dropped.
Apply To Adopt
If you or someone you know is interested in adopting Millie, then click here to go to the adoption application on the Blue Chip Farm Animal Refuge website. ParaMount Pet Care will be featuring a different Blue Chip Farm pet every month, so be sure to check out our blog section regularly. Also, Remington, our featured pet of the month last month STILL needs a home! Please click here for more information on Remington and how you can apply to adopt him. These are good natured pets that deserve a good home and we are determined to find one for all of them!
Meet The Author
This article was written by Louise Breakstone (mother of Laura Breakstone aka the Owner of ParaMount Pet Care) and edited by Michael Wendel, ParaMount Pet Care’s very own Social Media & Marketing Manager/ Pet Expert! Louise is a volunteer at Blue Chip and works with all of the dogs we feature here for our Blue Chip Pet of the Month. She not only selflessly gives up her time to help out at the shelter, but her and her husband are now sponsoring Millie to make sure that she gets a great home!
Blue Chip Refuge Pet Of The Month