Pet Travel 101


Discussing The Essentials Of Pet Transportation And The Best Ways To Travel With Your Pets

It’s not uncommon for people to travel with their pets. This is especially true during the holiday seasons. But, traveling with pets is more difficult than most people think. While most pet owners don’t intentionally put their pets in danger, improper traveling procedures with pets can be dangerous. 

ParaMount Pet Care has plenty of experience with pet transportation as that is a service we offer. The purpose of this article is to share our knowledge of pet transportation safety with you. This article will discuss some of the common mistakes & misconceptions of pet travel and offer advice on the safest ways to transport your pets. 

A cute dog in the backseat

A cute dog in the backseat

Traveling By Car

The three most common ways to travel are by automobile, train, and airplane. For the purposes of this article, we will be focusing on automobile travel with dogs and cats. Transporting pets by automobile is easily the best way to transport pets. This is because automobile travel allows the freedom of being able to stop along the way for bathroom breaks. It also gives you the opportunity to keep a close eye on your pets while traveling.

What To Bring While Traveling With Pets

The most important part of pet transportation is being prepared. This means taking essential pet supplies with you during your travels. Basic pet travel necessities include a first aid kit, pet food, bottled water, food & water bowls, treats, leashes, toys, poop bags, portable litter box, and collars with I.D. tags. 

Additionally, if your pet is on any medications, be sure to bring those as well. We also recommend bringing a blanket of some kind for your pet. This will keep them warm, comfortable, and give them something to hide under should they feel stressed or anxious. Ideally, it should be a blanket they use at home or that smells like you. Pets are usually comforted by the scent of their owner. 

Some General Traveling Advice

While we could write a whole book about pet transportation, we will keep it brief here. Below we will discuss some basic and practical advice for traveling with dogs or cats in an automobile. We hope this advice will make the overall traveling experience better and safer for both you and your pets. 

A cat traveling in a crate

A cat traveling in a crate


One very common pet transporting mistake is letting your pets roam freely in the car. Letting your pets go wherever they want in the car can be dangerous. This is because they will most likely be distracting to the driver, which could result in an accident. 

Additionally, there is a chance your dog or cat could unintentionally open a car door or car window. This is also dangerous as they could then jump out while the vehicle is in motion. For these reasons, you should always keep your pets in a crate or carrier while transporting them. This is recommended for both their safety and yours. 

Pets Ride In The Back:

In addition to being in a crate or carrier, your pets should always be in the back seat. Airbags, which are a standard feature in all automobiles today, are specifically designed to protect people sitting in the upright position. Should these airbags be deployed in the event of a car accident, they could seriously injure your pet if they are riding up front. For these reasons, we recommend always keeping your pets crated and in the backseat where they are safest. 


Another important aspect of pet transportation is supervision. As the pet owner, it’s your responsibility to monitor them and keep them under control. As the driver, it’s also your responsibility to drive safely and pay attention to your surroundings. Doing both of these at the same time is easier said than done. Although it is not easy, it can be done. 

Good supervision is important even when not in the car. For example, when making a pit stop to let your dog go potty, always put them on a leash. Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that pets act differently when taken out of their home. Be patient with your pets while traveling as they may still be adjusting to their unfamiliar surroundings. 

Keep Them Close:

While this may seem like common sense, you should never leave your pet alone and unsupervised in your automobile. Leaving your pet alone in a parked car puts them at risk of heat stroke (in hot weather) and hypothermia (in cold weather). Additionally, being left alone in the car will most likely increase their anxiety and stress levels. If you need to stop for food, try looking up pet friendly restaurants or go to a drive-through restaurant. 

Taking a break to love your dog

Taking a break to love your dog

Be Supportive:

Lastly, we encourage you to be supportive and empathetic to your pets’ feelings. Taking your pet out of their home and transporting them anywhere can be very stressful for them. That’s why it’s so important to comfort them during your travels. Speaking softly to them, playing calming music, or giving them a soft blanket to sleep in will help put their minds at ease and make them feel more comfortable. To learn more about pet transportation safety, click here

Looking For A Pet Sitter?

Do you or someone you know need a pet sitter? Then look no further than ParaMount Pet Care! We are the leading pet care professionals in the Luzerne County area. All of our sitters are insured, bonded, trained in pet CPR & first aid, and dedicated to caring for your pets. We offer a wide variety of pet sitting services such as in-home pet sitting, routine dog walking, overnight stays, and more! Click here to see all of our services! Click here to become a client today or give us a call at 570-814-1037. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

