Take Your Dog To Work Day


Covering Everything You Need To Know About The Holiday That Promotes Taking Your Dog To Work 

A very popular, yet highly underrated pet-themed holiday is National Take Your Dog To Work Day! This hilarious and fantastic holiday occurs annually on the Friday after Father’s Day. This year, 2024, it will fall on Friday June 21st. 

This article will cover everything you need to know about National Take Your Dog To Work Day. This includes the history of the holiday, the importance of the holiday, why we love this holiday, and how to observe the holiday. 

History Of The Holiday

National Take Your Dog To Work Day was first celebrated in the United Kingdom in 1996. Then, in 1999, Pet Sitters International founded its own version in the U.S. Since then, this holiday has been celebrated by people and dogs alike. It is celebrated on the Friday after Father’s Day. This year, 2024, it will fall on Friday June 21st.

A dog and owner at the office

A dog and owner at the office

Why Have A Holiday About Dogs At The Workplace?

The overall aim of this holiday is to celebrate your love for dogs. It’s an opportunity to show your co-workers how amazing your dog truly is. It also helps make your work day a little better by having your furry best friend nearby.

Additionally, this holiday also aims to help promote dog adoptions. By bringing your dog to work, your non-pet owning coworkers can witness first hand the special bond between owner and pet. As a result, this could inspire someone to become first time pet owners. 

The Importance Of The Holiday

As previously mentioned, this holiday helps promote pet adoption. This is a very important issue as there are so many dogs in shelters that need good homes. The A.S.P.C.A. (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) reports that 6.3 million companion animals enter U.S. shelters every year. Out of those 6.3 million, 3.1 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats. 

Sadly, out of those 6.3 companion animals, 920,000 of them will be euthanized (390,000 dogs and 530,000 cats). These are tragically high numbers that truly reflect the struggle that shelter dogs and cats currently face. Thankfully, there are holidays like National Take Your Dog To Work Day that help promote pet adoption to help lower these statistics. 

A happy dog and person

A happy dog and person

Why We Love This Holiday

Here at ParaMount Pet Care, we absolutely love this holiday! We love dogs and will gladly work side-by-side with them. Dogs have a unique way of bringing a smile to people’s faces and making a work day more exciting. 

Additionally, it helps break up the monotony of your typical 9 to 5 job. Dogs can turn your boring Tuesday morning at the office into a fun and eventful day where coworkers are loving and asking about your furry friend. 

How To Observe The Holiday

The best way to observe National Take Your Dog To Work Day is to take your dog to work with you! If your employer approves it, we encourage you to bring your furry best friend to your job. But, be mindful about the safety of your pet in your workplace and the safety of your coworkers. If you work a hazardous job, then maybe you shouldn’t bring your dog to work.

Additionally, if you have coworkers within close proximity of you, be mindful about their allergies and/or fear of dogs. While this can be a fun holiday, it’s important to be considerate of the people around you. Lastly, be sure to spread the word about National Take Your Dog To Work Day on social media. Use the tag #nationaltakeyourdogtoworkday and share this article too!

A professional pet sitter

A professional pet sitter

Hire A Pet Sitter Today!

Do you or someone you know need a pet sitter? Then look no further than ParaMount Pet Care! We are the leading pet care professionals in the Luzerne County area. All of our sitters are insured, bonded, trained in pet CPR & first aid, and dedicated to caring for your pets. 

We offer a wide variety of pet sitting services such as in-home pet sitting, routine dog walking, overnight stays, and more! Click here to see all of our services! Click here to become a client today or give us a call at 570-814-1037. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Be sure to check us out on Facebook and Instagram too. We post adorable pictures of pets everyday that you won’t want to miss! 

